Monday, April 27, 2020

On to something else.....

Got to keep my hands busy.

I wound my yarn for a future project.

My fabric came in for the backing and binding to be used for the red and green quilt.  The back is pieced and the binding is made.

Now this quilt sits on the to-be-quilted pile next to the long arm.  

The first steps for the Laura Heine quilt have been started.  Piecing the back and tracing all the elements onto the backing with a permanent pen (yikes.....that's a little scary!)

Took some time out to bake some sour dough be precise....rosemary kalamati olive sour dough.  

If you know anything about sour dough, it takes days to make your own starter, sponge and then finally the bread; but it was soooo good!

Also, made a batch of Snickerdoodle cookies.

Now to get back to some more sewing.....


  1. We all seem to be baking a lot more these day. Like you, I always get my binding done early, once the top is finished, so it is ready and waiting.

  2. Did you eat just one snickerdoodle? That's what it looks like. I couldn't.

    Are both loaves the same? They look different. Good thing I'm not at all hungry...this all looks good!

  3. Good looking baking going on! Always such a satisfying way to be in the kitchen. I need to get a new toaster that accommodates homemade breads. Watching your Laura Heine project with great interest - had no idea it started out that way. Love seeing background work that is composed of a variety of fabrics.


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...