Saturday, April 25, 2020

Another project bites the dust.....

This project was started in January. I was really going full speed ahead on it until I had to find a small project to work on while sitting in the hospital waiting for my husband who was getting some tests done.  So, it got set aside and forgotten about for a couple of months

Well, it's off the needles now.

This is called Alpacacino by MaxtheKnitter on Ravelry and was really a pretty simple, straightforward knit.

Yarn was hand dyed by Julie Asselin in the Leizu DK weight. The color is Bisous (kisses).

All the sections were made, so all that I needed to do was seam the sides and attach the sleeves.  I then picked up stitches to knit the ribbing for the neck.  

Really, it makes one wonder why we set things aside sometimes when there is  so little to do.  I figured I had a day and a half to get this one done before my order of fabric came in the mail today of backing for my last quilt and the products I need to proceed with my Laura Heine quilt.  

Sitting here patiently (or impatiently now) for the postman.


  1. Love your llama sweater - and the way the little accent stitches wrap around him...well done!!

  2. Cute! You and the sweater! Really, I love the sweater, especially in that color.


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...