Thursday, November 21, 2019

Second commissioned quilt progression (cont.)

Reached the halfway point......

Working on the sixth strip here.  

Next are  the blue feathers.

Then the final feathers are the reds

Navy strips have to be sewn in, but I have to decide whether or not to remove the papers off the back of the feathers before I put the sashing on do it after.

Prior to paper removing, I have a good 20 hours into this quilt already.

I have set it aside for a bit now as I had a couple time-sensitive baby quilts to get quilted and bound for a customer; had to prep some of my own stuff to go to a retreat for a couple of days AND still prepping kits and what nots for  the guild's Sew-In Day coming up.  There's just so much to do.  Once I get some of that under control again, I will be back at this quilt.

Ok, back at it......
Skinny strips (2") are now attached to each colored feather connecting the two like-feathers.

Now the 3" navy strips are attaching  all the feathers together.

Need to pull off all these papers.


I think this is the worst part of paper piecing.

Now the top is squared up and ready for quilting.

Going to set it aside for just a bit (it does have a deadline) and quilt a customer quilt that, also, has a deadline.

Besides, I am awaiting a backing that is being digitally printed for this one .  As soon as it gets here, I will be working on getting it quilted.  


  1. That is one striking quilt!!! And I agree - removing all the papers is definitely not a fun part. Love the accuracy it gives but then you have that last stage to go through. Still worth the effort - your results are gorgeous.


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...