Saturday, June 27, 2020


Ahhh.....another finish.  This was an "old" one, too.  I am figuring at least 10 years.

This is called the Nymph Tee by Connie Chang Chinchio in the magazine 
KnitScene Winter 2008/Spring 2009 edition.

I had started it with this variegated yarn which I had four skeins.  Made the front and loved it as the color changes were very subtle.  Then I made the back and the color changes were very distinct.  Hmmmph.  Not going to work for me.  So I ripped out the back and used another skein.  It was the same as the back that I just ripped out.  So, I ended up ripping out the front and used the softer colored one alternating rows with another skein of the brighter changes.  Of course,  this is  probably why it got set aside for so long.

Anyways, here we are a decade later and I am determined to get some of my old projects done so I pulled this one out.  (I had pulled it out a few times over the years, but just didn't want to do the math if you know what I mean) .   Had to figure out where I was in the pattern.  The below picture shows you that I had to start at the  bottom of this bodice with this decorative stitch which, also, included knitting the sleeves as well.  

It really didn't take long to get the front bodice done (remember back was already finished).

Next was to get the two pieces soaked and on the blocking boards.

The lighting is terrible for these pictures.  The yarn is a very pretty aquamarine.

Then I had to mattress stitch the sides and the shoulders.

A new-to-me stitch, reverse crochet stitch,  went around the hem (below) and the two sides of the neckline to give it that finished look.  

It gives a smooth line along the outside edge with this diagonal stitch to give it some interest.  

Just like that it is done.  If I hadn't had so many problems with the yarn (which were the same dye lots, but hand-dyed) I probably would have had this done 10 years ago.  

Well, since my post has been in the making for a few days and for some reason it is acting up today, to see the finished project, you will have to go to my Ravelry page to view it. 

I am already thinking of what to do next in the knitting department.  There are ALWAYS old and new projects waiting.

1 comment:

  1. what a lovely edging on your completed sweater! Wondering if the new Blogger has kicked in? Not looking forward to how it will impact my own posting by way of iPad Pro/Blogtouch program.


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