Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Prepping for our guild meeting this week.....

Guild meeting is coming up this week and being the Charity Chairperson, I have had to get my rear in gear and get all the kits organized and ready to go.

I finally sat down and went through ALL the kits from the previous chairperson and the ones that my committee and I have put together. 

Almost ALL of them now (whether they need piecing  or are completed tops)  have backings, batt and binding in their kits so that they are ready to go 100 percent.

I have  7  that need to be pieced (complete kits)

There are 13  that need piecing, but no back and batting because I don't know how big they are going to be.

Nineteen that need quilting and binding.

These are overflowing!

There are still a couple of kits that have very indepth directions that I need to go over to make sure all the pieces are there, but that will wait for another time.  

I did grab one kit myself this week and threw it together since it had no pattern, so to save someone else from having to figure out what to do, I put this one together.

There were extra strips that I just couldn't figure out where they were intended, so ended up cutting them down  to make this symmetrical.

I quilted this one with Diagonal Plaid

Love the texture this panto creates

Have bound it, washed and dried it.

Now I just need to pack up the car and I'll be ready to go.  Sure hope I get a lot of takers at the meeting so that I don't have to bring all this home again until next month.

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Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...