The Christmas holiday is now past.
The holiday decorations need to be taken down and packed away for another year.
I did want to share with you a few things before too much time had passed.
I got a picture of my four grandsons just prior to their opening their gifts here.
There are four different expressions/attitudes about having to stop and take a picture just before opening gifts; and before you ask, I can't explain the Yoda grandson. LOL
One of the gifts I received from my hubby was all the makings for a knit hat that I had seen posted on an Instagram picture from a local yarn shop. I gave him the picture and said I want all it takes to make this hat. He was so good about running to that shop and showed the shopkeeper what he wanted, but when she rang him up, he nearly died! I had no idea the hat was made of cashmere!! The poor guy was dumbstruck.
#1....I didn't need for him to know what I spend on yarn.
#2....I probably wouldn't have bought it myself if I had known it was cashmere. I would have substituted a lovely merino wool.
#3....When he got home he asked how much yarn costs (knowing he probably went to buy for this hat, I gave him a pretty wide price range), but the cashmere was a whole lot more than that.
Oh well, it is going to be a very luxurious hat with a very expensive faux pompom atop it; but I am going to love it and I will probably keep it under lock and key.
Then he surprised me with a Samsung Galaxy Tablet that I am trying to figure out how to use it; so this should all be very interesting. The one thing I am looking forward to on it is that I can take a picture and then draw on it, so I am thinking that this will be very useful when it comes to trying out different quilting designs on quilts that I need to get quilted. I can't wait to try that out.
In the meantime, I need to finish up some projects that I was making some made-fabric for.
Here's a peek at one of the pieces of fabric that I have been working on.
I'll tell you more about these projects when I get my them done ......which is next on my things to do.
I hope you had as great of a holiday as I did; but it's always great to get back to normal, too.
Enjoy yourself as 2019 will be over before you know it.
Happy Holidays and can't wait to see this hat all made up! Your hubby is a gem and guess the cost of yarn is out of sight when it comes to cashmere...enjoy!!!