Thursday, January 31, 2019

What's next?

Right now here in Michigan all one can think about is keeping warm.  Yesterday was
-30* wind chill factor.  I sure can't wait for Spring.

The charity quilt that I took off the longarm the other day now has it's binding done.

The baby sweater that I was working on while sitting in the waiting room at the hospital is now done.

My customer quilt is enroute to Wisconsin (unless the post office is still out because of the bitter cold weather).

I worked on my green string blocks and now have all 120 of them done.

Now to get some fabric cut for the neutral string blocks.

Also, need to start another knit project as I will be sitting in the waiting room in the hospital again in a couple of weeks.  This will probably be my stranded sweater, so if I can get all the stranding done beforehand, the rest should be easy to work on at the hospital.

Plus, I am attending a sew-in with the guild this weekend and I have to get my projects together so I have something to work red/white/blue blocks are ready to be put in rows and into a top; there are more plus blocks to make; neutral string blocks and I have a pattern and fabric for a little wallet that I could work on.  I just need to get this stuff together.  Ughh...where does the time go?

Well, if you are from the Midwest, I hope you are keeping warm.  

Enjoy what you are working on.  

1 comment:

Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...