Saturday, October 13, 2012

Odds and Ends.....

When it comes to sewing lately I feel like all I get accomplished  are "odds and ends" and that is what  happened today in the sewing room. 
I was going through my pile of quilt tops "to be quilted" and realized the backing for my charity quilt ....
wasn't big enough to go on a longarm, so I cut it in half and added three rows of fabric similar to the front of the quilt.
Then before putting the fabric away, I made the binding.
Then while I was digging around, I found this little needle punch that I had made several years ago (I am ashamed to admit that!) and thought, I am not going through another Fall/Halloween without having this put together in the frame that I already had and get it displayed.  What was I waiting for?  It took no time at all to put it all together.
Oh, and by the way, the little witch sitting there on the table that I painted numerous years ago.....she is holding a little bouquet of flowers.  I just love her, but my little, 3-year-old grandson looked at her a little differently.  He quietly asked his mom "why is that witch showing her "private parts"?   Good grief....he is looking at her hands thinking it is cleavage.  LOL.... I will never be able to look at her in the same way.  You say the darnedest things!
So, now I am sitting make some yo-yos to adorn one of the two quilt labels that I made this afternoon, too.
So, hopefully tomorrow I will be spending a good part of the day in the sewing room again and the first thing I will be doing is applying these little numbers in a floral type arrangement around one of  my quilt labels. 
That's it for me today.  Not much, but it's something.  I guess a little progress is better than nothing. 


  1. I love the colors in that fabric!

    LOL Just like a man (your grandson) how cute!

  2. I think your little witch is just adorable!
    (although so was your grandson's
    Just love those needle punched pumpkins, happy to see you framed this darling piece! I'd say you accomplished quite a bit this week!

  3. I really like the backing for the quilt. It's perfect! (Boys are fun, aren't they!?)

  4. I love your punch needle. I've yet to learn that. Maybe you can teach me. Also that thing you use to make the yo yo's. I have it but again can't make it work. lol


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...