Thursday, October 4, 2012

Nancy's teeny, tiny log cabins

A couple times I have posted pictures of my friends' "works in progress" and each time I do, I get lots of questions regarding Nancy's little log cabins. 

This is what she had up on the design wall last month when we went up north  for our mini retreat.  

The picture is very deceiving  and hard to imagine just how small these little buggers are.
So, Nancy was kind enough to send me some blow by blow instructions on these beautiful blocks. 

First, she starts with the paper piece pattern.  Yesssss, that says 3 inches!

Here is  one little log cabin.....which is just one quarter of each block.

Here we have four "like" logs.

....and here is a finished block.

This is one of the "66" that you see at the top of this post!!!

Lots of work, huh?!!

Below are the actual comments Nancy sent to me regarding how she puts these together.

Picture 1 is of the paper pattern that I used to paper piece each little block. In the picture I indicated the size (3" x 3") of one log cabin block.

Picture 2 is showing the front and back of the trimmed block.

Picture 3 shows 4 identical blocks and how they will lay in each completed 5 1/2" block.

Picture 4 is the completed 5 1/2" block.

I should have also mentioned that I take the paper off the back of each little log cabin before I sew the 4 units makes it easier to sew the 4 together. I press the seams open when putting the 4 blocks together. It takes some of the bulk out of the center of the block.

I have to say, that Nancy is enjoying putting these blocks together. She has been working on them for awhile, but when she tires of them, she puts them away and then they come out again at another time.  

The three of us ....Sharon, Nancy and myself.....

did some brainstorming for Nancy while we were there.   How much bigger should the quilt get?  Should it ALL be log cabins.  Should she stop now and make borders?  Maybe an applique border?  Make it a big quilt?  Make it a small quilt?

I am thinking whatever Nancy decides to do with these log cabin blocks, it is going to be a beautiful, show stopping, awe inspiring quilt.  

Thank you Nancy for sharing this with us. 

Anyone wanna put your 2 cents in?


  1. Wonderful to revisit this log cabin in progress - and process given by your friend, Nancy. As for how much to continue doing? I say - keep going? On that scale of piecing what a statement as it grows. I did 1 1/2" finished 9 patch blocks & completed the quilt at 68 x 68. No borders, no additions as I wanted the focus to be on the tiny blocks & the hundreds of conversational prints used in the alternating squares. Just sayin' & my 2 cents worth:o)

  2. Regardless of how Nancy finishes her log cabin quilt, it will be stunning! Keep us posted on her decision. That's a nice picture of the three of you... what a beautiful setting for a mini retreat!

  3. Mimi, thank you - and Nancy, too - for sharing these again and giving so much detail. They are very tiny! I imagine beautiful little gems when I look at them - a little jewel box when put together. However she decides to finish them (maybe a narrow, dark border with another round of the blocks on the outside?) I hope you'll share it with us. I'm looking forward to seeing what she decides to do.

  4. Wow, they really are teeny-tiny! Gorgeous though! Gee, would she want me to mail her all my teeny-tiny scraps that I have been saving for I have no idea why??

  5. Thanks for sharing. I'm sure however she finally decides to go on will be stunning. But please do share it again and the final results.


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...