Friday, August 31, 2012

Binding my Beyond the Cherry Trees

After saying I wasn't going to work on this quilt because it is SOoooo heavy and big and the weather has been SOoooo hot this summer (100 degrees), you would think I would have chosen a cooler day to work on it  (it's only been 95 degrees today). Well, I guess when you get the urge to get into the quilt room and that quilt has been calling your name, you do what you have to do.  

I decided to put the binding on my quilt. 

So, now it is machine stitched on, trimmed and the binding clips are on (one side at least)


So, if I can stand the heat, I am going to start hand stitching this baby down.  

I used Superior Threads Masterpiece thread that was in a box of neutrals by Alex Anderson.  It worked great in the machine and now I am going to see how well it works with my hand stitching.  I have never used this thread and picked up this set at the Grand Rapids AQS quilt show last weekend, so I am really interested on how well it works.  I am sure many of you have used it, but I will give you my opinion once I am done.  

Hope to get a sleeve on and a label on real soon and then I will be sending out applications for quilt shows.  Keeping my fingers crossed that someone wants it for their show.  We'll see. 


  1. How exciting!! Jan taught me this trick -- put the quilt up on a card table in front of you to hold it off your lap while your stitching. Then your binding will be done!! It's beautiful.

  2. Know your Cherry Tree quilt will be the star of any show that displays it!
    Silly me - brought mine along thinking some hand quilting could get done - where was my brain? Too busy enjoying the mountains - oh well - we are almost home & winter is just sround the bend

    Used the Frosted Donut threads that Superior/Masterpiece put together - for alot of my applique - nice threads & great colors.

    Happy stitching!

  3. Your BBCT looks beautiful! I love the gentle rounded corners - very nice

  4. Oh Wow, Congratulations on nearly finishing this lovely quilt.
    Like Barb, I really like the gently rounded corners.
    I'll be looking for at quilt shows :0)....good luck!

    Happy Sewing

  5. It's a gorgeous quilt - It will be accepted - thinking positive thoughts (-:


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...