Sunday, May 29, 2011

Because of the 17-Day Diet

This is what I am working on to keep me busy.

It's my grape vine block from the Beyond the Cherry Trees BOM.  

Now back to the diet thing. This  is what  I started today.

Why? Well, it all has to do with the wedding that is coming up next month for my daughter.  I bought a very form fitting dress and when I went to the alterations gal, I wore my Spanx to get that smoothe fit.  WELL!!!  By the time I drove the 15-20 minutes to get to her house, my arms were numb, I could barely breathe and I am thinking...hey!  I want to be able to sit and EAT at my own daughter's wedding.  Anyways....I have decided to do without the Spanx and not that I NEED to lose any weight, but I wouldn't mind getting rid of that "roll" that seems to be right in the "middle" of me!  So......I have done the big "healthy food shopping" thing  and started the "diet" this morning.  I am dying.  I need to keep busy. 

Several of the gals at work are on this diet and let me tell you, the weight loss is amazing and it happens quickly.  I'll be happy with 5-8 lbs.....maybe 10.  With 5, my dress should be good as long as what I lose is that "roll" and nothing else.  

Anyways, back to the grapevine.  I am going to make my grapes red to go along with all my other cherry tree blocks and I have tallied up how many grapes/cherries I need for this block.

There are a couple sizes of grapes, so I have tallied how many of each by highlighting the smaller ones.  So I am going to start cutting out circles of fabric and get them prepared so that I can just stitch away and get this rather busy block done. 

It's kind of a cruel twist of fate that I am trying to avoid thinking of food, yet I need to make grapes for this block.  Really....that is just cruel.   


  1. I will have to check out that diet book...I have a roll upon a good thing, I noticed that the thought (and action) of food was constant all winter & now that Spring gardening is here, my DH had to tell me it was 1:30 & would I be eating lunch. You are right - staying busy helps!

    Think I counted about 112 cherries on this block - give or take a few...I went with reds too. Would picturing them as marbles help??? :o)

  2. Good luck with this block. It has "blocked" my progress on BTCT quilt. Is it only 17 days to lose the weight or is it a diet that cycles over 17 days.

  3. The block looks fun and the diet looks awful. LOL But serioiusly, you don't need to lose any weight. You're gonna be gorgeous at the wedding.

  4. If you feel like snacking, chew gum or brush your teeth so then you won't want to eat anything for a while afterwards. It helps me! Good luck!


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