Saturday, July 17, 2010

Prepping and stitching....

Well, of the five Hearts and Hands that I prepped yesterday, I already stitched two of them. 

They still have to be made into circles, but I will probably do a bunch of them at once. 

I did prep these blocks to take with me to the hospital while I sit and wait for dear hubby who is having a stent put in on Friday, but since I made two of them already, I thought just maybe I had better prep a few more.

Here are the next nine that I have the pieces all prepped.  I still need to cut out the backgrounds for each of them.  Of course, I only prepped the easier ones.  I couldn't imagine taking a block or two or more that had numerous pieces per block.  So, easy it was. ....or maybe I should say easiest of the bunch.  There are some tight areas to stitch on a few of these.  Anyway, progress is progress and it has been quite a while since I have even touched this quilt.  I will have my Cherry Trees fully prepped for Friday, too; but working on these little blocks seem to go so fast and they make you feel like you are accomplishing so much.   The background squares are cut at 7" and when fully stitched, they are then cut down to a circle. 

Ok, back to stitching and maybe cutting out my backgrounds. 

Happy quilting!


  1. You are making some serious progress on your applique projects, aren't you? Yay!!!

  2. Hi Mimi,
    Thank you for joining my blog site.

    I so wish I could quilt! I especially love your cherry quilt! I spend most of my spare time in the garden, but maybe one day I will start quilting. I have joined up with your blog to inspire me.


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...