Monday, July 19, 2010

Red cherries, red Cherry tree, red Elmo and red Cole....

Couldn't resist showing you these beautiful Michigan Cherries in my Polish pottery.  They are so yummy.

But most importantly, I finished #10 Cherry Trees BOM and wanted to share it with you.  I am on such a roll with my applique the last few days.  Feels good.

Then there is Cole's red Elmo....his first birthday cake.

...and then we have Cole....

hmmm....that taste sweet......

yup....pretty tasty.....

I think I will eat some more.

Happy birthday Cole.


  1. How gorgeous, Cole looks like he's enjoying the cake. I love cherries so much but there not in season here. Your block is stunning, the greens looks great, I love it.

  2. Your applique is beautiful and so is little Cole....what a face! I love the music on your blog....very relaxing and peaceful. Thank you.

  3. Yummy, Beautiful, Cute, Adorable, in that order!

  4. Your appliqué looks amazing! As does the cake! The red is so vibrant...I can see why Cole isn't wearing a it was a messy affair! :o)

  5. I thought......."how did she get a picture of my cherries?" I had that same bowl full of those yellow cherries just last week. I can't believe you finished the BOM already. You mean business. I bet that cake isn't as sweet as cole.

  6. We are also enjoying the Rainier cherries - the best summer treat. Your Cole looks like he is also enjoying his birthday!
    Love your new Cherry Tree block - looks like you might be using background fabric from the French General?? Love their designs.

  7. Your applique' block is GORGEOUS! I just love it so...!!!
    Very pretty picture of those cherries in your Polish Pottery too.
    Cole & his cake - way too precious for words! :D

  8. Hi Mimi
    A late comment I know, but wanted to catch up with you and your progress with the Cherry Trees BOM- this one looks fabulous! You're doing such a beautiful job. Do you have the entire set? I came into this BOM really late and only have the last few.


Michigan quilters, take note

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