Thursday, April 14, 2022

How Disappointing......

I just delved into the bowels of blogger and found out I had 78 SPAM comments.  Well, guess what?  They weren't SPAM but legitimate comments to my posts.  I think blogger had COVD; otherwise, I can't explain why all these posts would go to SPAM. 

That kind of answers my question regarding not getting any comments lately.  I was assuming that people just weren't posting on their blogs and just doing Instagram.  

I was wrong. 

So, if you have posted on my blog in the last several months, please know that I have read all the comments and I have now checked them off as "not SPAM".  I appreciate your interest in my posts and hope you will continue to visit.   

Have a great day.

1 comment:

  1. You must have felt like you were shouting in the wilderness! How sad.

    There is one comment of mine that did not make it onto the blog, because I was on my phone. I typed in everything as usual, then clicked "Comment as (my Google identity)". It had me fill in the information, while it cleared out my comment. sigh


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