Sunday, April 28, 2019

A few odds and ends.......

Projects are all over the board lately.

These socks got completed #1 because I put my back out and couldn't stand at the long arm like I had planned, #2 with the thought that I wouldn't be wearing them until next Fall/Winter (but the weatherman just predicted 3-5" of snow the day after I completed these and it's still April) #3 one sock was done and all I had to do was one more.

This may not be a project that I have completed yet, but I was gifted "silk hankies" several years ago.  (These are layers upon layers of silk that needed to be "pulled" into a workable yarn.  Well, I never thought I would do this myself after watching a YouTube video, so I found someone who would spin it for me. 

First she dyed some wool in royal blue so that she could spin the silk with the wool.

Here's a picture of the yarn she dyed.  

Then this is a close up of the silk added to it.

Here is the final skein.  

It didn't make up a lot, so she is going to dye some more wool for me and then I will make something with both the wool/silk mix and wool.  She still has it and I am anxious to get my hands on it. 

There's, also, been some work on the Hunter's Star quilt.  I have 480 hst that needed pressing and trimming.

They are now pressed.

To trim 480  at once seemed a bit daunting, so I am trimming a few at a time.  

I now have two blocks completed. Here is one.

I now have the pixelated heart loaded on the long arm.  I wanted to get this one done before the next guild meeting.  Thank goodness it is a small one.  It will be a charity quilt  for a local hospital.

It is quilted with the pantograph called "Cupid". 

Now it is bound and ready to go.

This project will be reported to a group on Instagram called "One Thing challenge" where we announced on Monday which project we wanted to have completed by the end of the week.  I just made it under the wire for this one......quilted and bound  

See, I said my projects were all over the board.

1 comment:

  1. Hoping this finds you feeling so much better - when the back hurts, it is difficult to find any kind of comfortable position. The blended spun yarn is stunning - and yes - pressing all those HST’s at one sitting sounds daunting...good idea to pace yourself. Take care!!


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...