Tuesday, July 18, 2017

Roaring Waves......

Back on July 7 I mentioned about buying this kit from one of my favorite local quilt shops.
It is made with 12 fat quarters and I had those cut and stitched together  before  the washer died.

Once the washer died, I decided to strip the old wall paper out of the now empty laundry room and get it painted.  What an ordeal!  That paper had been on those walls so long, it just didn't want to come down.  So.....it decided to take the walls with it.  What a mess we got ourselves into.  Anyways, nearly two weeks went by.....drywalling, painting getting the new washer and dryer installed. It's done and looks great now.  Thank goodness there is no more wallpaper in this house.  

So yesterday was my first day back into the sewing room (July 17).  I cut my strips from the tubes that I made and pinned them to the ironing board.

Then the tubes of strips  needed to be staggered like a bargello quilt.

From there I stitched the center.

Then today (July 18), I started adding my borders.

First border was a 1" (finished) navy border.

Then there was the 4 1/2" outer border; and that makes for a completed top (flimsy).

Here's a close up of some of the cute fabrics in this quilt.  The majority of the fabrics are from Sweetwater ..... and the line is Liberty.

It was a good feeling to get back into the sewing room after a couple of weeks AND to complete a quilt top.  It's now on the "to be quilted pile".  I believe it won't be long before this one is totally done as the binding is made and the backing is already pieced.

The pattern can be found on AllPeopleQuilt and it is called Roaring Waves.

1 comment:

Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...