Sunday, January 13, 2013

Time to kick up my feet.....

Kicking up my feet and having a cup of Lipton's White Mangosteen and Peach tea.

I just finished my December and January calendar blocks that are due at tomorrow night's guild meeting.  You have to have a completed block to get the next month's pattern.  I am thinking February has  to be hearts of some sort. is December's. 

Of all the doodads I have in this house, I could not find one jingle bell to put on the tip of Santa's hat, so I will be doing that at a later date. 

Now, January's block.

As cute as all those snowmen are, I am ready for Spring.  It doesn't even look like winter outside right now here because of all the rain we have had here in the last two days, all the snow has been washed away.   I am still ready for Spring.  

Oh well....I just need to be patient.  


  1. Dear Mimi--I am "crazy" about the basket quilt on your headed. Would you tell me the name and where I can get the pattern. Thanks so much.
    Pam Betz

  2. Oh those snowmen are super cute. I'm heading down to my sewing room right now, itching to do some mindless machine piecing.

  3. Those are cute! And forget spring, I'm ready for hot summer!

  4. snowmen are adorable, oh please don't rush the season yet! I am still ready for a few more snow days!

    today it was in the 50's , rain and foggy here....
    crazy for mid Jan.

    we will probably have a snowstorm in April!

  5. Pam, my header quilt was made at a retreat with Gwen Marston. There is no true pattern to make each block, but more of a method that is in one of Gwen's "Liberated quilt" books. They are so easy to make. I just started cutting and sewing and then put strips inbetween to make the next basket fit along side the previous basket.

  6. December AND January's blocks are just darling!
    Congratulations on completing them on time for your next installment of the calendar quilt.

    Our winter has been exceptionally warm so far, I'd like just one decent snowfall before spring arrives. ;)

  7. I'm still enjoying the snow we have from a blizzard in December, but I'm not fond of the wind chill factors that have moved in! Very cute calendar blocks!

  8. You deserve to kick up your feet and drink some tea after getting those beautiful blocks finished!

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