Friday, November 4, 2011

Motivation....where are you?

I have been so NOT motivated to quilt  lately. 

Don't know why, but it could be because my mom has been so sick, or the fact that it's Fall and the knitting needles keep calling my name, or just the fact that the warm weather has gone away. 

The latest knit project I have been working on is a shawl.  Remember this cotton yarn (looks more like floss)?

Well, this is where I am with that  right now.

This is the shawl that I bought the shawl pin for. 

Can't wait to use it.

Also, I had two more commitments with my birthday star block exchange.

Got Joanne's made for November.  She requested black and white with a black or white background.

Here is Ellen's for December.  She requested light to medium greens with cream.  I am not so sure the picture shows the true colors, but the block is a very pretty, soft green. I hope they both like their blocks.

I think my goal is to finish the shawl and then I will get back into the sewing room  and get busy on some of my Cherry Tree blocks.  I am so close to the end of this 29 month BOM, I can't poop out now.  Motivation will come back...I am sure. 


  1. Your knitting is so pretty! I think not being motivated goes with this time of year. You'll get your mojo back!!

  2. I'm trying to keep myself motivated in the yard and I seem to be all over the board with quilting so nothing is getting finished. I'm on the home stretch with a few of my own projects and have a stack of customer quilts. But I did finish my goal of 5 quilts for BASICS, the last one is off today to my binding friend for finishing.

  3. I have the motivation, just finding the time though have returned from a 3 day quilting retreat which was good for the soul.

    Though I haven't gone through it myself, friends who have recently had a son or daughter married seem to feel somewhat "drained" for awhile...that might be part of it and you just need to settle back into a "new" norm...

  4. I'm like you, sometimes I just need to let the quilting projects lie and enjoy knitting for a while. I still am an intermediate knitter and sometimes interpreting knitting pattern instructions is over my head so I'm learning in stages but I do love to knit. My goal is to learn more complicated projects as I go along. Luckily one of dear friends is a very learned knitter and she's always there to give me assistance if I need it. Keep on knitting and your mood to sew will return on its own. :-)


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...