Saturday, October 15, 2011

In the knick of time.....

I have just completed my "zig zag baby quilt".

The shower is tomorrow afternoon, so this afternoon I was making the binding and sewing it on along with the label, too.

It is now in the wash to give it that comfy, "want to cuddle with" look after a quilt has been washed and dried (100% cotton).

I had seen the idea of the zig zags on someones blog and I believe there is a pattern out there somewhere, but I just winged it.  The random zig zags was the result of my friends' suggestions when I had it up on the design wall.  I have plenty of other zig zag rows that I could make another quilt or two....which is a good thing since baby showers are always popping up. 

Now, I guess it is time to get back to some of quilting projects that are calling my name....namely Beyond the Cherry Trees.  I have one block that is very near completion, so that will probably be the first thing I do. 

So, thanks for stopping by.  Hope you are getting some stitching in this weekend.  Enjoy...whatever you are doing. 


  1. Ohhh, I LOVE that quilt! It's darling. I hope you don't mind, but I have a feeling I will be borrowing that idea myself!

  2. Nice little quilt and I am so relieved for you that you got it done on time.

  3. How fun to do the zigzags so random. I'm sure it will be a treasured gift!

  4. The zigs and zags worked out beautifully. I like the look and feeling of a laundered quilt that gets the puckery feeling to it.

  5. I love the zig zags, great for a bay quilt. That was a close one but you got it done in time, whew. I love your header!!


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...