Friday, September 30, 2011

Moving right along

It's been a very busy week what with work and my mom in the hospital, but I did make a little progress. 

The infinity scarf was started ( remember I was only going to cast on my stitches) on Thursday evening and by Sunday, I had soaked it, blocked it and waited for it  to dry.

I love it.  It is theeeeee softest yarn and was so easy to make.  I have been wearing it all day.

I am still plugging away on my next Cherry Tree block and have made just a little progress on it. 

I even threw together another zig zag row of half square triangles that eventually will go into a baby quilt.

The next set of half square triangles are all laid out to make the next row.

I may be making some major  progress this weekend as I have to get myself ready for a mini retreat with my friends next weekend.  So as not to have to take half of my sewing room with me, I need to get my projects cut, pinned, planned and whatever needs to be done to make my load a little lighter.  So....hopefully (barring any unforeseen problems with my mom, health, weather or any black cloud that may be following me) I will be headed up to one of our favorite places to hole away and sew to our hearts content.  I should have plenty to show you  the week after next weekend. 

Happy stitching everyone.


  1. I love love love the scarf. Is it an easy pattern? (All I can do is easy)
    Have a lot of fun at the retreat ... sounds so good! Fall is a wonderful time of year to enjoy a retreat.

  2. That is a beautiful scarf, but I think you should have shown your model's gorgeous face!

    Loving those pink zigzags, too.

    Have fun at your retreat. Don't forget to sleep!


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...