Sunday, May 2, 2010

4 out of 4!!!!

I am so excited to report that the fourth border is now attached.

For this border I didn't have to remove one scallop, but the two outside ones had their tips loosen so that I could scootch those in so that scallop #5 and #6 could be added in their respective spots.  That was just way too lucky. 

I have been a little worried as to whether or not I would have enough space for the corner scallops, but was afraid to check until I was to this point.  I am thinking it looks pretty good.  Then.....

I laid out the first scallop and it works just fine! 

My giddiness is now from my toes to my stomach.  I am seeing the light at the end of this tunnel and it really hasn't been all that bad of a road.  Too bad I didn't have the patience a year ago to sit down and work out the mathematics to make my scallops fit.  I would have had this done a long time ago. 

Well, the four cornerstones are now basted on. I am heading over to my easy chair and am going to get started on this.  If I get these four done in the next day or two, I will have some time to do a couple bindings before the next Beyond the Cherry Trees block comes out. 

Wish me luck!


  1. That is absolutely beautiful! The Quilt Goddess was working with you on this. *S*

  2. I knew you could do it! It's beautiful. Now on to the next UFO.

  3. Don't you just love it when things like that turn out perfectly? Great job!


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