Saturday, June 16, 2012

Good grief....

 I packed up all my stuff yesterday for retreat; and, also, got a pattern in the mail from a friend that was for a charity quilt for our guild.  Well, I thought I would just go look through my stash to see if there was something I could use for it. 

That hunt took me to a crayon challenge from a couple (or maybe more) years ago.

I pulled these two crayons out of the box and we were supposed to make a quilt in those colors for the following year to show at our retreat (the same one that I am attending this coming week).  Well, I bought the fabric, but never made the quilt. Soooo....with the bag of fabrics for that quilt, I decided to make the charity quilt instead.  Cut out all my strips. 
All the pieces were lying on the floor, so I thought maybe I can quickly sew them together to get them out of the way.

Next thing you know, I have a quilt top for charity.

I should have just taken it to retreat to sew it, but it was all laid out and in my way........oh well. 

Needless to say, I had to unpack a couple things to get this top finished.  Now to go put them back before I forget to take them along with me. 

I think I am going to stay out of the sewing room until I pack the car. 


  1. You're so cute! (And so is the quilt). I still have my crayons on my design wall...never did anything with them. oops.

  2. I get distracted a lot like that but you have a top and that's such a good thing.


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...