Tuesday, January 17, 2012

Yesterday's choices

Got home from work and told myself I had three choices of things to do that evening. 

One....weave in all the threads and fix a snag on the knitted shawl that I mostly had finished a little while ago.  

Did that and wore it to work like this.

Here's a couple other options.

#2 was to work on my Cherry Tree block (#25).

Picked out my fabrics for each freezer paper piece (did this the day before)...

Got all  my pieces cut out and they are ready to go.

#3 was to read a few pages in my Nook.

The Wedding Quilt by Jennifer Chiaverini.  I am on chapter two.  I do love this series.

So I am happy that after a long day at work, I was able to enjoy three of my favorite things to do all in one evening. 

Now to make some headway on my Cherry Tree block.  Need to cut out the background and make some marks for placement and then I am ready to stitch. 

Happy stitching...or whatever you want to do this evening. 


  1. What a productive day! The scarf is really beautiful. The greens for your leaves are great, too.

  2. The shawl you made is just GORGEOUS!
    I enjoyed seeing the various "wear" options.

    Congrats on getting your applique' pieces prepped for block #25!

    (I too enjoy reading Jennifer's books)

    Happy Quilting!

  3. I read this post yesterday and for some reason didn't put in a comment. I was going to... Anyway, I'm back. I LOVE the scarf, it is so gorgeous. I envy your ability to knit so well, I'm still such a beginner and really need to advance. If I ever get busy knitting perhaps I will, ha ha. I haven't knitted on my winter wrap for a while and in fact decided to start over as I wasn't pleased with the way my stitches looked... will see about that. I have Jennifer's latest book that's out, haven't yet read it, and have her one that's coming out in Feb on pre-order so I have those to look forward to reading.

  4. That's a good way to spend an evening. The shawl is really lovely. Have fun with the Cherry Tree block, you're doing well.

  5. Love your scarf. Wish I could wear one. They never seem to look right on me. You are doing Beyond the Cherry Trees! I loved that quilt and have the patterns (most of them) and hope to do that someday too! Way too much to do and too little time. Hope you have a great weekend of quilting.


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...