Tuesday, December 27, 2011

December 27, 2011

Wow....time is flying and I haven't had a chance with all the holiday preparations to get back in here and share a few things with you. 
First off, I have to thank Sharon for the wonderful blog prize that I won and it got here just in time for Christmas. 

This magnet (or should I say, several magnets) is such a great prize.  I for one was not able to attend the big Red and White quilt exhibit in New York, but this nearly makes up for it.  You can visit Sharon's blog here....http://grassrootsquilting.blogspot.com/  Thank you Sharon.  I feel so lucky!

For one of my gifts from one of my quilty friends (Nancy), I received the Cheryl Ann's design wall.  I put it up yesterday and thought I would try it out with my Beyond the Cherry Tree blocks.  This is what I have accomplished so far. 

I am a bit behind, but life has been a little crazy around here.  I will get caught up though.  This isn't going to be one of those quilts that gets put away indefinitely.

I, also, want to share the gift that my son made for his sister and her new husband.  It actually is a belated wedding present that he has been working on, but his life has been busy, too.

This is a maple TV cabinet.  It is his design and all made by hand.  The glass looks a little funky on the picture, but it is one of those glasses that looks like water.  He has made a few beautiful pieces of furniture and this is just his hobby.  Always good to have a man around that can produce beautiful furniture like this. 

Well, I am headed off to the sewing room today. It's been ages that I have had the time to do this, so I need to take advantage. 

If I don't get back in here, I wish every one of you a Happy New Year and may 2012 be a happy and prosperous one for all of us. 


  1. Well, look at you go! Beautiful work on that quilt!

    Your daughter's cabinet is just gorgeous! Do you rent out your son?

  2. Love your Cherry tree blocks! And your son's cabinet is beautiful!

  3. The quilt is looking glorious so far. Your son is very talented, the cabinet is really beautifully made.


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...