Sunday, November 27, 2011

New day.....

all be it that it was a rainy day all day, I am turning over a new leaf. 

Cleaned and purged the sewing room yesterday and I am ready to get back to the applique.

Knitting is what has been taking up some of my time lately.  I just finished this shawl.

Made it with the color changing cotton yarn, but now that this project is out of the way, I am headed into the the sewing room, but first.

Sheila came over to get the two bags of fabric that I purged yesterday AND she brought a beautiful show-n-tell to share, too. 

Sorry, there weren't enough hands to hold this up, but I think you get the gist of it. It's beautiful.  If you are interested in knowing the name of the pattern, let me know.  I will have to get that info from Sheila as I forgot to get it so that I could blog about it. 

She did this as a block of the month through one of her local quilt shops and learned many different techniques of applique.  I think she wants to stick with her favorite technique though. 

Well, I am off to the sewing room to pick up the Cherry Tree block that I was last working on, so hope to be able to show that one to you real soon. 

It's back to work tomorrow for me, but I hope to take a stitch or two each evening. 

Happy quilting.


  1. What a beautiful shawl! Glad you are going to get back on track with your Cherry Tree blocks!

  2. Your friend has made beautiful quilt top though it is far out of my league. Something to look forward too.

  3. Glad to hear you are stitching again.

  4. Your shawl is just gorgeous. Someday I plan to reach out of my comfort zone and learn some more difficult patterns but for now I'm busy with my projects that I can do. The wool wrap that I'm doing is a project that I do consult my knitting friend who is a knitting whiz and she helps me interpret the instructions. I love knitting and hope to always be a knitter, but since I also love piecing and quilting, I know I will have to balance it all in my life. When I have "chair time" I like to be doing something, so that is my knitting, hand applique, or embroidery time, and then daytime when I'm up and around, that is when I do most of my piecing. Longarm quilting has to be done at set-aside blocks of time. I love it all!
    Finding time enough for all of it is the trick!


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...