Sunday, September 5, 2010

Success during chaos. ....

I can't tell you how good it feels to get #11 Cherry Trees block done.

It really was an easy block....not much to it.  But life has been chaotic.  

Within the last couple of months I have seen the inside of five hospitals.  One for husband's stents, second one for mother-in-laws heart attack (she is in hospice, too; and I am her guardian), third one for my father's carotid surgery, fourth one for husband's dad who went into congestive heart failure and then to top it off, my daughter just had emergency laminectomy (back surgery) and she has a 1 year old, 3 year old and six year old.  She will be needing lots of help over the next few weeks. get something accomplished at all in the sewing area is a real success in my book. 

Now....if anyone needs an opinion about a hospital in my area, just ask.....LOL.

Ok....I am going to pull some of my Hearts and Hands blocks out and see if I can't start them before the next Cherry Trees comes out.  Have a great Memorial weekend!


  1. That is way too many hospitals...... and Cherry Trees is OUT early this month..... so much for planing.... Love the Vase on this one: note to self: put FG on a vase. :-)

  2. yup...I just noticed that #12 is out five days early. So much for getting at something else right now. What is FG? Thanks for commenting Mimi. Nice to hear from another Mimi out there, too.

  3. Your block is beautiful!!
    Sure hope everyone will be getting better soon!!

  4. I love your version of #11!! So sorry to hear of all of your hospital adventures. I, too, have lots going on in the background and empathize with you.
    Off to check out the early release of the next block! Thanks for the heads up.

  5. What a good use of the red French General fabric. I think I have a fat quarter of that.

  6. Great finish on block 11. I'm getting other back projects moved along towards completion, but no headway on the Cherry blocks. I'm buying a bolt of cream for the background in 2 weeks, so that's my excuse for not starting! Hope things settle down and your family's health improves. Is the insurance co covering your car?

  7. Great block! Between you and "Bemused" I am beginning to rethink my more traditional approach of reds and greens...good thing I haven't started yet! LOL
    Love how yours is coming along. Have fun.

    Pat, camped in Valdez, Alaska


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...