Tuesday, February 9, 2010

One pineapple, two pineapple, three pineapple, four.....

Am I dating myself with that? or do kids still say those little rhymes?  Of course I changed out potato for pineapple, but that is what came to mind  as I was working on my next block for Beyond the Cherry Trees Album Quilt. 

Of course if you remember, I have been putting off this block because of all the tight hairpin turns, but little by little it is coming along.  One is done and I am ready to start the second one tonight. 

It's a very "simple" block and I mean that only because there aren't a lot of pieces and this is the one that I just couldn't figure out how to incorporate some red, but I am hoping there will be other blocks that will help balance out this rather boring and very green block. 

Well, back to stitching...some very tiny stitches so that I can make those very tight little curves. 

Happy quilting!


  1. Keep going Faye. Its going to look great when its done!

  2. I have been printing off the patterns for this quilt, I want to make sure I have at least 9 patterns before starting. Love the red/green concept and applique, I'm adding your blog so I can follow your progress. Very nice so far! I came via LA Quilter blog.

  3. You know what I always say, Faye. Add some embroidery somewhere -- it might as well be red.

    Very nice work!


Michigan quilters, take note

  Come see us at our first Quilter's to Quilter's sale.   Don't know what that is?  Well, it will be 28 quilters/vendors selling...